Do you fancy yourself a talented amateur mixologist?
Then show us what you got!
Enter the Vitae Spirits Summer Cocktail Competition.
We will feature the winner’s cocktail on our summer cocktail menu starting on the summer Solstice Friday June 21st. The fine winner will also receive a Vitae Spirits shaker & jigger, a 40% discount on their cocktail for the duration of the winter menu, a Vitae Spirits T-Shirt, and lots of bragging rights.
Submissions begin: Saturday, May 4th
Submissions end: Midnight Sunday, June 2nd
Submit recipe, instructions, and photo of the cocktail to before midnight Sunday, June 2nd
Vitae Spirits staff will select at least two cocktail finalists that will be produced at the tasting room the weekend of June 8th and 9th for patrons to vote on their favorite and then a winner will be announced on Wednesday June 12th.
Must be an amateur bartender/mixologist
Parameters of cocktail recipe:
-Summer-inspired cocktails given preference
-Maximum of 1.5 oz spirits
-Maximum of 25% (0.33 oz) non-Vitae Spirits alcohol that must be available for purchase at Virginia ABC stores, as dictated by Virginia law
-Maximum of 5 ingredients added to final cocktail preparation (more ingredients are allowed in preparing individual components, such as bitters, syrups, or shrubs)
-All ingredients must be readily available for purchase by Vitae Spirits