Justine Platt from The Bluebird Barn will share botanicals from her garden at Oliver Creek Farm. We will incorporate these into our projects to enjoy during the workshop and we will bring some home, too.
Add interest to your cocktails using fresh botanicals, herbs, and edible flowers. Make a floral simple syrup, edible flower ice-cubes, herbal garnishes, and more. Create your own herbal shrub drink for cocktail mixers or to blend with seltzer for a refreshing beverage to beat the heat. A special botanical Vitae cocktail will be featured or, you may choose another cocktail from the menu. Complimentary appetizers will be available. Workshop fee $45/person. Registration is limited to 16.
Register early for this popular workshop at https://www.vitaespirits.com/flower-and-herbal-cocktail-workshop-september-18th-2019-630p-830p/